Diversity in the Loire Valley vineyards

The vast Loire Valley Vineyar area is accrossed by the Loire River


The Loire Valley Vineyards features a large variety of climates and soils générating a wide variety of wines .

Silhouette of a bunch of white grapes


Most of Loire Valley Wines are from a single grape variety. From Chenin to Cabernet through Sauvignon and melon de Bourgogne, 24 grape varieties make their diversity .

A glass of white wine and its bottle on a table

Appellations and PGI

Rosés, red, white, dry, off-dry, sweet, fruity, greedy, round, bodied…The 31 appellations from the Loire Valley represent a wide family.

The banks of the Loire


See our key figures at a glance.

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Vins du Val de Loire


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