

All events in the Loire Valley Vineyard

~ 03/08/2023 ~

Pimp your smartphone with Loir...

Download your favorite wallpaper for your smartphone! Keep Loire Valley Wines in your pocket !


@DivaVinophile @LoireValleyWine @TheWineSociety @Ewbz @noblegrapeuk @mrwheelerwine @Constan70997526 @lebonvinfr https://t.co/h3bT2emodS


Take part of Loire Valley Wines moments on our LOIRE VALLEY WINE Facebook page !

~ 27/07/2023 ~

Q&A with Hope Shiverick

In this Q&A, the second-generation leader of Shiverick Wine Imports goes deep with us on what makes the Loire a terroir-lover’s paradise and sha

~ 22/06/2023 ~

Loire Valley Wines & Yannick B...

We sat down with Yannick Benjamin, the owner and operator of NYC’s Contento and XX wines for a deep dive into what makes the Loire a standout region

Visit the Loire Valley wines route

Loire Valley is the third tourism and wine region - in appellation -
and has the longest wine Route.

Discover the diversity in the Loire Valley vineyards

50 appellations, thousands of producers, the greatest diversity of wines in the world.

the producers

Your wine
Le vine Selector je cherche un vin qui me correspond je cherche a accorder un vin a mon plat

Taste the loire valley wines

Tips to appreciate your wine.

Bienvenue sur le site des

Vins du Val de Loire


Are you of legal age?

I certify having the legal age of consumption of wine in my country of residence.

I am over 18