Loire’s top rated Crémant de Loire

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These wines are renowned for their incredible freshness and food pairing versatility.

Crémant wines are also made in the traditional method, where still wines undergo a secondary fermentation inside the bottle to create the wines’ signature bubbles and complex flavors.

Plus, Loire Valley crémants offer a huge diversity of flavor profiles thanks to the region’s vast array of soils and range of grape varieties. Sparkling wines here are made from Chenin Blanc, Chardonnay, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon, and are bottled in dry, semi-sweet, and sweet versions.

There’s something for everyone!

Unlike bubbly from other regions, however, Crémant de Loire wines offer exceptional value, with tons of bottles clocking in at under $20.

At a time when prices are up and buyers are scrutinizing costs, these crémants are an easy swap with the power to make accountants, sommeliers, and consumers smile.

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